Woffling On

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Health Article Site

I have been sitting on another Health Site for a few weeks because I simply haven't had time to get around to doing anything with it. There is a lot of work to be done just in setting it up.

The site is intended to be a venue for people with something to say in an article related to health. It is to be effectively a health article bank, where people can deposit and withdraw health related articles. It should therefore show some interest in health, to extend the "bank" analogy.

What should a health article bank site be called? Well, I thought it should be called:


It seems reasonable to me. Anyway, just having the empty site sitting on the web for a little while with quite a few health related words (the potential "health" realted categories lists) exposed to the world has resulted in my Alexa ranking for the site spontaneously reaching 885,581. That seems pretty remarkable to me.

Just imagine what will happen when it has content and traffic. Actually I won't imagine anything; I'm content to wait and see what reality has to offer.

I haven't visited the site for weeks. It was plonked there and promptly forgotten about, given my schedule. However, since it is obviously getting some attention, from the spiders at least, perhaps I should try to get to it in a week or so, just to get the ball rolling properly.

If you by some miracle happen upon this post and have one or more health related articles you would like to post, feel free to visit and check out the site. It probably works now, but without policies explained you may not want to place anything there yet.

If you don't want to post to there now, which I totally understand, note the address and then prepare your articles and come back when we're both ready. It should prove to be an interesting place ;-)


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