Woffling On

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Disturbing Health Trends! For Whom?

There is a global war being waged of which most people are blissfully unaware. I guess if there has to be a war, one people barely notice has to be the best type. Then again, stealth warfare can still create massive collateral damage so it may be worth waking a few people from their dreamlike slumber and confronting them with the real world.

The war I refer to is being waged between the pharmaceutical industry and real health promoters. That's right, interesting isn't it. If you are one of the ignorant majority (no offence intended, it's not your fault) then you may still live under the misapprehension that the pharmaceutical industry is about health.

Sorry to disappoint you. That industry is about a few things, but actually creating health is definitely not one of them. They are principally about money. To achieve this they are secondarily about disease. Achieving health is merely part of the public profile used to persuade the the not-too-deep thinkers and none-too-astute observers.

The pharmaceutical types are the people who make those politicians who smile warmly at children while snatching their candy, look like saints. You don't cross these people lightly and they have scared off, or worse, many a critic.

Their best puppets are the politicians and legislators of all types. Their favored tools include scientists (who are so easy to buy it's just not funny), jurists, licenced health practitioners, mainly orthodox medical practitioners (you know the one's - they take the hypocritic oath) and anyone viewed as in authority or able to wield power.

To the pharmaceutical industry's utter dismay, consumers are wising up to the tricks and coming to their senses. They are growing tired of all the promises of wonder drugs to heal all manner of disease and seeing that those drugs actually cause diseases. Any gains are, for the most part, at the expense of terrible and unwanted side-effects and then also cost a fortune.

A massive amount of money is being siphoned out of your pocket a dozen different ways and going into the pharmaceutical industry's coffers. It is not available for real disease prevention, nor for sensible research into treatments that will benefit people but cannot be pattented to maintain the pharmaceutical companies' power. It is not available to make roads safer to reduce the road toll, it is not available to educate people about healthy lifestyles (heaven forbid!). Getting the point?

Yes, people are beginning to see through the facade and recognize the industry for what it is. Those who have been the pharmaceutical industry's best supporters are worrying more. What if these actual health trends continue? What if people reduce or avoid useless and needless drugs in favor of lifestyle change, improved nutrition, better and cheaper treatments?

Well the pharmaceutical industry has seen this coming for years. They are not stupid. They have prepared contingency plans. They are quietly behind moves to restrict access to nutrient supplements by creating laws to prevent people buying them and others selling them. Sounds like the make believe rantings of some paranoid nutter doesn't it? A good script for Holywood (and don't they need those these days!) but surely not true.

Sorry, it is all true. I'm not a nutter and you can find more details easily. I won't even give you a specific link lest you think it's a trick. Just do a Google or similar search on Codex Alimentarius for starters.

Why are they so worried? Where is it exactly that an epidemic of good health is breaking out? Good questions, you have been paying attention.

Just take a look around the web for starters. More and more information actually about health, how to achieve and maintain it, is being provided. Alternative treatments that actually work are being made available. Just today I was reading a site that not only provides excellent health information, but a range of proven health promoting products too.

You can look at this wholebody dietary supplements site yourself. No, it isn't my site and I am not an affiliate for it either. When you visit, just notice the large number of medical and other health professional clinicians who swear by the efficacy of the products. It's true, we're not all bad, some of us actually do care. I have never heard physicians saying similar things about pharmaceutical drugs, even though they were bribed heavily to do so.

No wonder the backlash is mounting. Mark my words, more heated battles will follow.


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