Woffling On

Saturday, June 11, 2005

The Domain Saga Continues

Absolutely u n b e l i e v a b l e. That's one more sleep, a whole new day has arrived, which means that a whole 24 hour period has passed and s t i l l those two domains have not propagated.

I reckon a carrier pigeon could have propagated the changed name server details by this!

Anyway, there's nothing I can do except for asking the support staff at Aplus.net to look into this ongoing problem again. Face it, I'm in their hands on this one.

I reiterate my earlier lesson: it can be a false economy to buy discounted domain names from lesser and/or reseller domain registrars. It is easy to keep the cost below US$10 but still buy from a heavy duty registrar, like Godaddy.

This saga is getting a bit boring I know. It lacks the epic proportions of Lord of the Rings, but hey ... who knows, it may only be early days as yet!!! Perhaps I could invent a plot introducing some mysterious underlying ...

Well ok, maybe not. Let's just see how long this takes to solve.


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