w.bloggar Tool Test
I am experimenting with the w.bloggar tool. It is supposed to offer a very convenient interface to develop blog posts with a few more features than the already quite good Bloger tool and then to make it simple to make the actual post to the blog. We shall see.
Perhaps it will enable creating posts as effectively as one might with a web development application and also posting as easily as one might with an email application. I certainly found it useful to be able to reformat previous posts quickly in Frontpage and then post them simply by email. If this tool combines those functionalities in a single and simple application then it may be quite useful.
Let's see, purely for the sake of experimentation, this could be summarised as a list like the following.
It simplifies:
Well, there are some little bugs to watch.
This is just a sample link to my Primary Health Care course.
Perhaps it will enable creating posts as effectively as one might with a web development application and also posting as easily as one might with an email application. I certainly found it useful to be able to reformat previous posts quickly in Frontpage and then post them simply by email. If this tool combines those functionalities in a single and simple application then it may be quite useful.
Let's see, purely for the sake of experimentation, this could be summarised as a list like the following.
It simplifies:
- creation of marked-up text
- posting direct from the desktop
Well, there are some little bugs to watch.
- It doesn't auto insert subsequent list item markup on enter
- It doesn't auto complete by adding a closing tag when an opening tag is typed
This is just a sample link to my Primary Health Care course.
This is marked up as a blockquote. I guess the next thing to do is just to post this entry and then see how it looks.
Well, I had to tidy it up from within Blogger. The template seems to take care of markup for paragraphs, so by including them in my w.bloggar markup the posts ended up double spaced between paragraphs.
On the whole, I'd say w.bloggar offers no worthwhile advantage with my current template setup.
Dr Peter Tylee, at 12:22 am
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