Woffling On

Friday, September 16, 2005

Well, So Much for Tradition

Well, so much for that tradition of regularly updating my various sites' progress up the Alexa rankings. I will have to resort to my individual log files now, to monitor progress.

It may well be that the Alexa figures are not accurate above 100,000 but my daily and weekly figures had well and truely entered the sub 100,000 area so I felt quietly confident of ongoing improvement in my 3 monthly average rankings.

However, suddenly the updates just stopped. I was very impressed with the regularity and frequency of updates. It did seem worth creating my little cat-inspired tradition upon, but now ...nothing.

I don't know what the story is. Perhaps Alexa is upgrading or simply giving their crawlers a holiday. Who knows. Whatever the story, I have had no Alexa updates on any of the sites I was updating in this blog. Pitty really, I was quite enjoying that tradition while the rankings were improving so steadily.

Not to worry though. A quick check of some webmaster forums (or fora for the purists) indicates that not many people take the rankings seriously.

Seriously meaningful or not I was still enjoying watching them climb. I think the Alexa toolbar still offers real value and the capacity to easily click a link to obtain quite a bit of extra information about visited sites is very handy.

I will certainly keep the Alexa toolbar and just wait and watch occasionally to see if my rankings ever change again. As for the tradition of posting the results here, well why not. I might as well, since I started the practice. Just don't hold your breath waiting for the next post.


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