Woffling On

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Frustrated with WordPress

No doubt WordPress is a very fine application with many dedicated and highly competent contributors to its development and extension. It has certainly proven immensely popular. At this point in time however, I am ready to abandon it completely.

Why? Well, it's just too frustrating to wrestle with creating a decent layout with the WordPress method of breaking things into multiple files. I quite understand the approach and agree that it has some virtue, but it is certainly not necessary to use that approach and I personally find it far too cumbersome.

I think the inclusion of php templates in addition to xhtml (css based) layout and css for styling is a bit much (no pun intended). The php template's integration with the css-based layout simply adds a layer of confusion to the process in my humble opinion. Why bother? A plain XHTML solution is far more straightforward.

A few other WordPress issues have also emerged. I have some concerns about security. These follow any application's massive uptake unfortunately. The very popularity of the software entices hackers of the black hat variety, idiotic kiddie-script nuisances, virus writers and so on. The frequency of "security updates" for WordPress is all the evidence one needs of these problems.

I have also noticed that many existing WordPress implementations appear "broken" on some pages. This may be a dropped or misalligned column for example. Very untidy, quite unsatisfactory.

So I am currently exploring Drupal CMS as a likely alternative. It offers everything I need and then some, so it may well be suitable well into the future. It is a little qwerky in it's approach, though mainly in choice of nomenclature, and there is a somewhat defensive tone to its online documentation which has a certain "try-hard" feel to it. Nevertheless, so far it looks to be quite robust and it offers simple-enough layout and presentation control.

I did notice that its next release is evidently going to use a phptemplate 'engine' to manage layout and presentation styles, but that may prove either avoidable or quite workable so I won't let that put me off for now.

Well, back to it then. So, what's this taxonomy stuff ...


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