Woffling On

Friday, August 05, 2005

Back To The 3 Column Flexible Blog Template Drawing Board

What, you didn't know there was such a thing? Of course there is. How else do you think all those templates get made? Obviously someone out there has the drawing board ;-)

Well, all attempts at jokes asside, I'm again looking for a suitable blog template. It has to be a three column, flexible, XHTML and CSS W3C compliant speedster. Now that can't be too much to ask, surely.

However, it isn't as easy to find as one might hope. To be honest, I had my eye on the sites of a couple of snazzy designers of just such beasties as this and I hoped that while I was busy with my intervening development project they might have something available.

Alas not. One has released a development version of the three column, flexible design that currently occupies his attention, but when I looked at it I was quite disappointed. It only targets XHTML 1.0 Transitional (a bit of a low target IMHO) and uses tables for layout, an unforgivable sin. The other chap is happily tweaking his pet little two column giraffe.

Just as an aside, while I'm typing this quick update, my other system is receiving dozens of emails containing Worm.SomeFool.P that some idiot has created and some other idiot has fallen foul to. If only we could educate people on how to avoid infections we could knobble the worm, trojan and virus creators in quick time. Unfortunately there is no shortage of inept users who are easy prey for these miscreants. And yes, I was a victim of a virus that took down my system to the point of reformatting quite recently, so I was an idiot too.

Anyway, back to this note. So, what to do hey? It is starting to look ominously like I will again have to develop my own template. Creating suitable CSS tools for web servers is fine, but I haven'y messed about too seriously with the innards of WordPress and all that php stuff. Maybe I'll sleep on it and see if inspiration strikes.


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