Woffling On

Friday, July 15, 2005

Blog Layouts and Themes

Maybe this is not the best place to mention my current activity. After all, this blog is provided for free by the good folk from Google at Blogger.com. But too bad, I just have to woffle on a bit.

I'm in the process of setting up a blog for a new site. Yes, it's one of the ones I've mentioned here before. I've decided to install a WordPress based system and that's just fine, no problems at all.

Well, except for just this one thing - I can't find a decent theme.

No, don't think I'm just a complete duffer. I do know there are hundreds of themes available for free on the net. I know only too well as I've just examined virtually all of them!

The trouble is I'm a bit strange when it comes to screen space, or screen real estate as some call it. I just can't accept the ridiculous waste of space perpetrated by people who make web pages occupy just a fixed portion of the screen while ignoring the rest.

Well yes, I know not everyone "ignores" it completely. Mostly they do colour it, sometimes with grotesque colour or background graphics. But my point is, their real content is confined to a limited amount of space.

I know the reasons given for this. I've been there too. But I'm tired of all of the excuses. The best way to go, in my opinion, is to use flexible designs that allow your content to appropriately fill whatever size screen happens to be used to view it. That way we waste nothing.

But try finding a flexible, 3 column WordPress theme. They are around, but they are rare. Quite rare. And the ones I've found so far are all deficient.

You see I'm just a bit demanding. I also expect the design to be engineered by CSS so that the main content is actually rendered high on the served web pages (in the source code) and not buried beneath countless lines of code for navigation and assorted other distractions and trivia.

It's not really a lot to ask. Not really. But it's pretty darned hard to find, that's for sure.


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