Woffling On

Friday, May 27, 2005

Online Primary Health Care Course

I have posted a link to an online course I developed and taught a few years ago for final year students completing a Bachelor of Nursing degree. It's in the Links section, in the column to the right of the main text.

The material is now a bit dated and I no longer respond to student questions (well, very rarely - sometimes I receive questions and happen to have a moment to spare so I dash off a quick reply). However, anyone may access it for free and it is still quite a useful resource for learning about the fundaments of primary health care and its practice. It is probably of most use to nurses and students of nursing, but anyone with an interest is welcome.

The server logs for the course show that people from many different countries use the course. The numbers fluctuate (probably with the cycle of student assignments) but somewhere between a couple of dozen and a couple of hundred people visit some part of the course each day.

No attempt has been made to make the course look pretty. It is functional and the page downloads are fast. Anyway, take a look if you're at all interested.


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