Woffling On

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bird Flu is for the Birds

My goodness there has certainly been a lot of hype about bird flu hasn't there? I wonder how long it will take for people to see through the lies. Quite some time I expect, and then most people never will.

Is there a risk from so-called bird flu? Is it likely that a virus will jump the species barrier to humans? Could such a virus be capable of killing 76% of people exposed to it? Is it likely that this virus will kill at least 50 million people worldwide? Does the government ever deliberately lie to people for political purposes?

Now, where would you like to start? Is there a risk from this "bird-flu" that so captivates the world's media? Yes. And this answers the second question too, since there would be no risk to humans unless the species leap could indeed happen.

Could it be capable of killing 76% of cases? Well, maybe, but why not 96% or 33% or ... well, pick a number. The suggestions of likely mortality rates are part worst case possibility from computer modelling (having been programmed by people remember), part beat up by the media, part deliberate misinformation campaign by people with vested interest in frightening as many people as possible. In reality, it is a ridiculous number and one you can safely dismiss.

Much the same can be said for the predicted 50 million deaths worldwide. Simply ridiculous. This is part of a loosley, but reasonably effectively, orchestrated plan of scaremongering.

How easily people can be frightened into believing whatever an authority figure wants. When the media reports "scientists" claims or those of some "government official" it suddenly becomes gospel.

What do frightened people do? Well, strangely enough, pretty predictable things actually. For example, no matter how much they want safer roads, more teachers and smaller class sizes, reduced taxes and a host of other things, they will happily understand and think positively about a government that diverts funds instead into the pharmaceutical companies coffers, to develop vaccines.

So who are the big winners? Politicians who look like saviours, drug company executives and other stock holders, that's who. The media are like putty in the manipulative hands of such people and since both political parties and drug companies spend a lot of money on advertising with the media, it's a pretty comfortable arrangement and not one where the media will become too critical or investigative.

It is always easy to find a few academics and career scientists to "find", "discover" or otherwise generally support something that gets the fear ball rolling. Frankly, they are a dime a dozen.

And if really pressed for absolute proof, well, maybe it sounds like a conspiracy story from Hollywood, but the government can always arrange for an outbreak of something lethal to establish its credibility. If you think that's a bit far fetched, then how come you fall for all the twaddle about this predicted pandemic? Perhaps your critical skills need some tweaking.


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