Woffling On

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Totally Missed March

Wow, I seem to have totally missed March 2007. Oh wait... yep, it is still 2007. Just thought I'd make sure.

This will be one really lame post because I don't actually have anything to say. No, I'm not intentionally being either obtuse or boring. It's just a fact that I've been so busy I've barely been near the web and that is really busy.

I barely managed to get anything posted in February and I had expected to be a little more forthcoming in March but it slipped past unnoticed. Too bad, so sad, as they say. It's gone. It cannot be rerun or repeated other than, perhaps, on some puerile TV show that pretends to be creative by "going back in time" (oh... please... spare us!).

So this is it, we're now a part of April 2007. Well I hope it's a good month for me and for you.

Go and read The Health Gazette to become inspired to achieve real health and wellbeing. When you know how to do so healthfully, then go ahead and really enjoy life. Remember, your life is very largely just what you make it - so make the most of it!


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